Update on worship services-

Personal message for Rev. Tim Marinelli-

In His good will, the Lord has opened a door for the work of the ministry in Virginia, as Reformation Presbyterian Church has voted to call me as their pastor. Our hearts rejoice in this and look forward to this opportunity of service in Christ's kingdom, but at the same time we grieve our inevitable departure from the church family we so dearly love.

Emmanuel OPC will no longer meet for Lord’s Day services or evening Bible study. The session of Emmanuel OPC voted to concur with the new call on Pastor Marinelli and have released him from his pastoral position at EOPC. The last worship service was held on July 28th, 2024.

What is Truth?

Is there only one correct view of reality?

In Spirit and Truth has been discontinued. Due to a lack of funding and transitions in the ministry the leadership has ended the program. We thank God for this wonderful opportunity to spread His Word.

For those interested in messages and resources from Pastor Tim Marinelli may still find some available on our YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/@emmanuelopc4471.

In Spirit and Truth has been canceled. The word of God continues to proclaim the truth.

Jesus said to a Samaritan woman at a well a profound truth about God. In John 8:23b and following He explains, “ But the hour is coming and is now here when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth.